by enjoyadmin | Nov 11, 2020 | Blog
The problem with marketing and sales data is that it’s subjective. Logically it can’t be. Emotionally it has to be. Because with data it’s not what we see it’s what we can’t see. Data itself isn’t the problem. It’s the fact that we can’t help but view it based on, or...
by enjoyadmin | May 9, 2020 | Automotive, Case Study
We worked with a multi site European gym business to run a new member acquisition campaign using social media, in-app lead generation, landing pages, marketing automation and conversion tools. We utilised a series of Behavioural Selling strategies to create initial...
by enjoyadmin | Oct 2, 2019 | Blog
Regularly, when we work with new Clients we have to get past the awkward ‘no one really cares about your products and services’ conversation. When you are so entrenched in your gym business day to day it’s easy to get caught up in the services you provide, the...
by enjoyadmin | Jun 26, 2019 | Video
“A couple of times today you’ve spoken about outputs being irrelevant and that the focus should be on outcomes…” Yes, absolutely, I mean it is one of the reasons I think I started the agency. I had a couple of businesses previously and it was very,...
by enjoyadmin | Jun 26, 2019 | Video
“The one area that I think everyone was in agreement with today was the impact your model has on generating referrals from existing customers. Why does this work so well for almost everyone I have spoken to?” The way that we generate referrals is very...